Gavin Jamieson
Visit my website: www.mojothreepwood.com
Twitter: @GavinJamieson
E-mail me at MojoThreepwood@gmail.com
4 Strange, Revealing Fanmail Replies From Famous People
There's one guaranteed way to tell what a celebrity is really like: the way the interact with their fans.
- Authors
- By Ed Stevens, Gavin Jamieson, Eamon Lahiri
- Published
6 Board Game Tie-Ins That Backfired (Hilariously)
The results of combining the two were some deeply weird licensed board games that are probably still populating the backs of closets everywhere.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
6 Hilariously Dumb Ways Confidential Secrets Got Revealed
ISIS must maintain a massive social media presence in order to entice dumbass teenagers with a parental bone to pick to join their cause. The problem is that sometimes their selfies reveal a little too much and Ka-Boom!
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
5 Ridiculously Hard To Solve Video Game Puzzles
Video games are often vile, hateful asses determined to drive us away in frustration.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
The 7 Most F***ed Up Real 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Books
We remember the books as quick, fun, simple reads ... but much like ALF and Fun Dip, revisiting them as an adult leads to some bizarre and unsettling discoveries.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
The 6 Coolest Ways to Lose Popular Video Games
Some developers apparently decided 'screw the obvious and logical game over scenarios! Death should lurk around every corner, waiting to pants the player in bizarre and unpredictable ways.'
- Authors
- By Ed Stevens, Gavin Jamieson
- Published
5 Video Game Movie Adaptations (That Missed The Point)
It's one thing to add video game elements to your movie -- it's quite another to stray so far from the film that you miss its reason for existing entirely.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
The 5 Craziest Ways Creators Ruined Awesome Video Games
Video games are the product of hundreds of people working together to achieve a single creative goal. But sometimes those people misunderstand and/or actively hate each other.
- Authors
- By Ian Ury, Steve Athens, Ed Stevens, Gavin Jamieson
- Published
5 Important Skills That Are Horrifyingly Easy to Fake
In positions that decide life and death, you'll find people cheating their way into the job. And they get in way to easy.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson, A.C. Grimes
- Published
The 5 Most Sadistic 'Game Over' Scenes in Video Game History
When a simple handwritten middle finger to the player would have sufficed, these jerks built a laser, carved the letters into the moon, then bombed NASA so nobody could ever erase it.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
5 Sites That Prove the U.S. Government Sucks at the Internet
These were all funded by your tax dollars, of course.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
6 Nerd Culture Stereotypes That Are Way Older Than You Think
Unless your concept of a 'nerd' is a Depression-era newsie shooting pre-YouTube fan trailers, you might be surprised to learn that nerd culture has existed for way, way, way longer than you think.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published
5 Presidents Who Were Total Badasses in Their Youth
As it turns out, many presidents spent their younger years going on Hollywood-worthy adventures through history, doling out Old West-style justice and opening casino bars in the South Pacific.
- Authors
- By Gavin Jamieson
- Published