Felix Clay
I am Felix. I am not a cat.
I am on the Twitter. My the Twitter is twitter.com/Felix_Clay
Calm Down, Your Fetish Isn't All That Weird
My bag gets into some weird scenarios and maybe yours does too. So let's manage them.
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- By Felix Clay
- Published
4 Terrible Celebrities The World Has Given A Free Pass
We're cool with these people for no other reason than we just got tired of caring.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
The 4 Craziest Places People Keep Having Sex
Of all the activities one can enjoy in all the world, sex is easily a top 10 event.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
The Hardest Things To Accept About Good Parents
Woe be to anything that turns a parent into a person. (Like this article.)
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
4 Ways A Normal American Day Is Absolutely Bonkers To Others
There are some things everyone seems to do that, if we stopped to ask some friends from a faraway land about, they'd think we're all absolutely nuts.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
4 Dumb Reasons We Let Bad People Off The Hook
Most of us are willing to come down on people we find objectionable. Except, for some reason, in a handful of cases, when we like to raise up those turd golems and pretend they're pristine turd angels.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
4 Steps For Dealing With Terrible Friends
Sometimes you become friends with someone before you know their true nature.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
Netflix's JonBenet Documentary Will Be Huge (And Gross)
An IMDb title search of JonBenet reveals over 100 entries. Of those, 15 or so are movies or miniseries. That's nearly one a year since she died. And a new one is coming in 2017.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
6 Bizarre YouTube Genres That Are (Somehow) Hugely Popular
Someone explain the popularity of these bizarre sub-genres to us.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
5 Penis Based Incidents You Shouldn't Laugh At (But Will)
Unfortunately, not all dick stories have happy endings.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
5 Depressing Things I Saw At My Local Small Town Comic-Con
I went to a small comic-con in Canada, just a few miles down the highway from where I live. I saw Alan Thicke.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
5 Things Your Body Can't Do (That Movies Always Say It Can)
Hollywood understands as much about the human body as I understand about Eritrean politics.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
5 WAY-Too-Common Movie Lines No Actual Human Has Ever Said
Characters in movies say things all the time that you and I don't say, because our lives aren't dictated by a script some coke-head wrote out on a napkin at Starbucks.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
The 5 Most Indefensible Sex Scenes In Superhero Movies
Sex in comic book movies is about as awkward as sex in a comic book store.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
4 Unsettling Realizations At A Guns N' Roses Reunion Show
Guns N' Roses was of the best concerts I have ever been to. But the awesome cheesy layer on top concealed a layer of foul casserole beneath, replete with canned peas and cougars
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
The 4 Ways That Pretentious People Try To Impress You
You're not special. You're not unique. You're just annoying.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
5 Female Sexual Enhancements You Didn't Think Were Possible
I found out about some insane sexual enhancements for ladies that are way crazier than my 'penis pump plus prayer' regimen.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
5 Ways The Food Network Went Insane When You Weren't Looking
I have a degree of confidence I would describe as fair to middling that Food Network was constructed specifically by Satan himself.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published
Why Is It So Damn Frustrating To Buy These Four Things?
Not all business interactions are worthy of a congratulatory fap.
- Authors
- By Felix Clay
- Published