John Champion
I'm not actually a little blonde kid with funny glasses advertising children's chocolate by pretending to be a sheriff.
Sorry to disappoint.
The Incredible True Christmas Story From WWII's Dark Days
There's a limit to our suspension of disbelief in regards to Christmas miracles, and that limit is Nazis.
- Authors
- By John Champion
- Published
The 6 Most Terrifying Morning Commutes In The World
One way to take your mind off of your road rage is to remember that things could be much, much worse.
- Authors
- By John Champion
- Published
5 Simple Ideas That Could Make Travel (And Life) Way Easier
We're sitting on some pretty revolutionary ways to greatly increase the speed at which we physically move from A to B. What's infuriating is that those breakthroughs are ridiculously simple.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, John Champion
- Published
The 6 Most Secretly Racist Classic Children's Books
It's easy for us to hide the bad things from our kids that appear in works today. Things get a little trickier when classics of children's literature suddenly let fly with the sort of out-of-the-blue casual racism usually reserved for old Southern men after a few too many drinks
- Authors
- By Juan Arteaga, John Champion
- Published
6 Inspiring Tales of Friendship in the Middle of Brutal Wars
You should probably bookmark this article for the next time you're in a bad mood.
- Authors
- By John Champion
- Published
6 Famous Firsts You Learned in History Class (Are Total BS)
Your whole life you've been taught the importance of coming in first. Whether you're the first to make a great discovery or the first to hit the finish line, it's all a big deal. That's why it's right to point out the phonies.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez, John Champion
- Published
5 Embarrassing Failures History Class Turned Into Victories
Sometimes history is written by wishful thinking. When the real event isn't quite inspirational or romantic enough, we just make up a prettier version and call it history.
- Authors
- By John Champion
- Published
6 Uneducated Amateurs Whose Genius Changed the World
Now, we're not telling you not to get an education -- everybody knows employers these days want a degree. But we'd be remiss if we didn't take a moment to celebrate some of the amazing achievements from people who had virtually no education at all.
- Authors
- By John Champion
- Published