Colin Murdock
The 5 Most Insulting Ways Products Are Advertised to Men
Just as ads in the 1950s assumed that all women were housewives desperate for new ways to starch their husbands' shirts, advertisers today demonstrate an extremely low opinion of their male customers.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock, Aren Wilborn
- Published
6 Classic Songs That Were Supposed to Be Jokes
Every so often a song explodes into the mainstream completely by accident, tearing up the charts to the surprise (and sometimes chagrin) of the musicians responsible.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
8 Things You Won't Believe Can Be Hacked
If movies are to be believed, hackers are mostly kept busy kickflipping over the pentagon before sleeping in Mom's basement. But neither assumption is true.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
6 Eerily Specific Inventions Predicted in Science Fiction
Science fiction has had some stunningly accurate premonitions. And we're not talking about broad predictions, here. No, this stuff is impressively accurate.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
6 Death-Defying Stunts That Are Secretly Easy to Do
Don't try these at home. Seriously. You just put that sword down right now.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
The 9 Most Mind-blowing Disguises in the Animal Kingdom
These disguises are so weird and utterly convincing, you won't you're looking at real animals until they're right behind you.
- Authors
- By Jonathan Wojcik, Colin Murdock
- Published
The 5 Strangest Things Evolution Left In Your Body
Thanks for nothing, Evolution.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
6 Massive Secret Operations That Are Hidden All Around You
It's amazing how much of our society operates underground -- literally.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
6 Amazingly High-Tech Ancient Weapons
One thing you should never underestimate is mankind's ability to come up with cool-ass ways to kill each other.
- Authors
- By Colin Murdock
- Published
5 People Who Turned Awful Disabilities Into Superpowers
These folks not only didn't let horrific injuries and life destroying disabilities get them down, they actually turned them into superpowers.
- Authors
- By Paul K Pickett, Colin Murdock
- Published
The 6 Most Surprising Ways Alcohol Is Actually Good for You
Let's be clear: Alcoholism will kill you dead. But apparently booze can also turn you into Superman.
- Authors
- By Matt Shinners, Colin Murdock
- Published