Ethan Lou
Author of the new book "Field Notes from a Pandemic," a travelogue and examination of the societal impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak; ethanlou.com.
Cracked Apologizes To John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams was president of the United States, NOT the Molemen fan-club.
- Authors
- By Ethan Lou
- Published
The 7 Most Impressive Examples of Animal Architecture
Animals have been cranking out architectural marvels since humanity was still trying to figure out how pooping works.
- Authors
- By Ethan Lou
- Published
The 6 Weirdest Dangers of Space Travel
When mankind finally makes the big leap from Earth to space, it's probably not going to be the time-warping black holes or mouth-raping aliens that do him in. In fact, tomorrow's astronauts will be on the lookout for dangers that are laughably mundane.
- Authors
- By Ethan Lou
- Published
The 5 Most Shockingly Insane Modern Dictators
As part of our ongoing effort to educate the world about the mind-boggling insanity of the world's dictators, here are five leaders who treated their countries as playthings for their own deranged minds.
- Authors
- By Ethan Lou
- Published
6 Presidential Secrets Your History Teacher Didn't Mention
We all have personal failures and weaknesses, but a president will work so hard at crafting a specific public persona that we're shocked every time one gets in a sticky situation. With that in mind, here are some of the stranger facts about American presidents that almost never get mentioned in history class.
- Authors
- By Ethan Lou
- Published
7 Modern Dictators Way Crazier Than You Thought Possible
History is loaded with power-hungry jerks who rule over their countries' fearful populations like the Predator in a laser tag match. Oftentimes these people are infamous not just for their cruelty, but also for their bafflingly insane and self-indulgent antics.
- Authors
- By Ethan Lou
- Published