Logan Trent
Former Senior Editor for Cracked. Hit me up on:
Jake Gyllenhaal Loves Being A Little Weirdo (PODCAST)
And Nightcrawler is one of his weirdest.
- Authors
- By Jesse, Logan Trent, Jordan Breeding
- Published
10 Photos Of Spider-Man With Steve Buscemi's Eyes
This makes more sense than you know.
- Authors
- By Cyriaque Lamar, Logan Trent
- Published
5 Movie And TV Questions That Are (Almost) Too Dark To Ask
Gird your loins, for we are treading down the footpath of eternal darkness.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
4 Hilarious Moments of Animals Ruining a Sporting Event
Sports are a very human activity, but animals do try to join in from time to time. This usually results in a dead animal and a bunch of irritated humans who are now late for something.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Logan Trent, Josh Hrala
- Published
9 Online April Fools' Pranks That Would Break the Internet
We have tons of work to do, so we can't halt our regular business activities to partake in fun and games like some of our friendly competitors. So in lieu of that, we'd like to offer up a few suggestions for a few online pranks we'd like to see.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
5 True Stories That Will Make You Believe in Karma
Rarely do you see the literal Bitch-Slapping Glove of Justice descend from the skies to smack somebody in the mouth for being a jerk.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Logan Trent, Josh Hrala, Rich Solomon
- Published
If Mitt Romney Had a Kickstarter
Otherwise known as the least successful Kickstarter of all time.
- Authors
- By Tom Reimann, Logan Trent
- Published
Why Peyton Manning Is the Steve Jobs of the NFL
While the differences between the two men are glaring (namely that God himself could not fit Peyton's Easter Island-esque head through one of Jobs' signature black turtlenecks), their career paths have taken some surprisingly similar turns.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
Why 'Saved by the Bell' is All a Dream: A Conspiracy Theory
Decoding the Saved by the Bell theme song reveals that Bayside High only exists in the mind of an awkward, pimply faced version of Zack Morris.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
The Viewing Experience of Every 'Walking Dead' Episode Ever
As interested as we are to hear what hardcore fans of the show have to say about the little they've seen of the new season, we're pretty sure we already know what they'll be saying once the season starts.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
Why The Flintstones Takes Place in a Post-Apocalyptic Future
'The Flinstones' is a far sadder show than you thought.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli, Logan Trent
- Published
What Your Playlist Actually Says About You
Surprisingly, your playlist is not persuasively hip as you probably think.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison, Logan Trent
- Published
The Most Baffling PSA Ever: Vote Like ... Spider-Man?
How do you take something boring and make it seem hip and cool? Not this way.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
4 Reasons the Miami Marlins Are the Tackiest Team in Sports
The newly redesigned Miami Marlins have transformed themselves into the Don Johnson circa-1985 of Major League Baseball.
- Authors
- By Adam Tod Brown, Logan Trent
- Published
4 Famous Movies Spoiled by Facebook Updates
Thankfully, the movie universe and the part of the universe where real people reside never meet. If they did, we'd never be surprised by a movie ever again. By the time the script was written and the film was shot, the characters would have given away the plot on Facebook a long time ago.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published
4 Features We'd Like to See on Popular Websites
In the grand scheme of things, there are really only a handful of websites that the public at large turns to each day for basic needs. These mammoth sites like Facebook and YouTube have built such a high level of visitor loyalty that they're pretty much free to tweak and change their sites however they see fit, secure in the knowledge that people w
- Authors
- By Adam Tod Brown, Logan Trent
- Published
Ads That Couldn't Possibly Have Sold One Product: Viagra Man
Sometimes the results of advertising are astounding. But more often than not, we end up with a commercial so confounding that we struggle to understand how a single person could possibly be convinced to make a purchase after watching it.
- Authors
- By Adam Tod Brown, Logan Trent
- Published
If Famous Musicians Were '80s Cartoons
What is it about your favorite musicians that make you connect more with what they do than with any other musicians out there? Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the 1980s. Not in the part where you can buy rubber Swatch watches and shirts that turn neon green when you generate body heat, but in the world of cartoons.
- Authors
- By Logan Trent
- Published