Natalie Vail
5 Extremely Stupid Things We Believe About Rich People
Nobody's asking you to cry for the wealthy, but being rich isn't exactly how you've been picturing it.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
6 Side Effects Of Famous Charities That Make Things Worse
The glut of donated supplies following a tragedy is such a problem that emergency workers have a term for it --
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail, Ashley Y, Jamie Wyman, Ryan Reyes
- Published
5 Medical Myths And Prejudices That Kill People Every Day
Some of the factors standing between us and adequate medical care serve as reminders of how far we are from a Utopian society in which no one is forced to wonder if that thing on their back is cancer.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
6 Food Myths You Probably Believe (That Are Complete BS)
Most of the things you probably believe about your favorite foods are about as scientifically accurate as 'Timecop.'
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
5 Shockingly Outdated Problems Modern Women Face At Work
Most of the headwinds women face when trying to advance in the workplace exist due to cultural inertia. This is how we've always done it, and fundamental habits are hard to change.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
6 Absurd Ways Modern Medicine Fails Because Of Sexism
Unfortunately, modern medicine firmly believes that all medical problems either affect everyone in exactly the same way or don't affect one gender at all.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
6 Shockingly Outdated Problems The US Legal System Won't Fix
We blame John Grisham and Law & Order for why so many bafflingly archaic flaws still exist in our laws, courtrooms, and prisons.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
5 Ways Your Parents Changed Your Life When They Named You
Sorry, Buck Suckley Jr., but what's on the inside doesn't mean shit. Your name is shaping who you are in shocking ways.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
6 Pleasant Surprises About Political Myths You Had All Wrong
Even the most straightforward political truths you've always heard aren't nearly as simple as people would like you to believe.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
5 Myths About Men And Women That Are Statistically B.S.
A kiss is universally recognized as the de facto show of affection between two people, but it also doubles as a complex brain chemistry duel in the game of love and procreation.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
5 Ways College Screws Over Poor Kids
There are a whole bunch of really smart, motivated, hard-working people who aren't being given a shot at a real education.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent, Natalie Vail
- Published