
Kevin Forde

Kevin Forde writes about things, some of which are funny, some of which are serious, some are unintentionally neither.

He enjoys chocolate squares and writing in the third person when not strictly necessary.

The 5 Most Horrifyingly Wasteful Film Shoots

It's obvious Hollywood wants us to think it cares about the fragile environment. But when it comes time to getting just the right shot, wiping out a big hunk of ecosystem is considered a small price to pay.


6 Tricks That Let You Control Animals Like The Beast Master

Evolution has afforded every animal in the world the tools perfectly designed for its survival, whether it be claws, venom, horns, or whatever it is that cockroaches have. But every once in a while evolution makes a mistake and leaves a totally useless trait in an entire species. That's bad news for them, but good news for us, as it can be amusing

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