Anthony Scibelli
Remember Dino-Warriors?
5 Little-Known Sequels That Ruined Iconic Stories
These are the sequels that seem like they were written by someone whose only knowledge of the original came from overhearing a drunk hobo explain the plot an hour before their assignment was due.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
Why The Flintstones Takes Place in a Post-Apocalyptic Future
'The Flinstones' is a far sadder show than you thought.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli, Logan Trent
- Published
"Snozzberry": The Filthiest Joke Ever Hidden in a Children's Movie
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
The 6 Most Inexplicable Cartoon Adaptations Ever
Sometimes it makes sense to spin-off a live-action property into a cartoon. But sometimes a TV show or character is dumped into the laps of some cartoon writers who are told, 'Just make up whatever pops into your head. Kids are stupid.'
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
7 Bizarre Early Versions of Famous Cartoon Characters
Some of the best-loved characters of today are practically unrecognizable from their original forms.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli, Brian Daniel
- Published
6 Insane Versions of Famous Cartoons They Almost Made
In a business full of endless reboots and remakes, maybe nothing in Hollywood gets recycled more than animation. Since cartoon characters aren't associated with any one actor (in the audience's mind) studios feel even more free to come up with endless revamps starring the same characters. Here are the ones too ridiculous to see the light of day.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
7 Shockingly Dark Origins of Lovable Children's Characters
With just a little bit of digging, you can uncover all sorts of messed up crap that'll ruin all the things you used to love. So let's get started on doing that!
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
The 7 Most Offensive Adaptations of Classic Comic Books
Think about everything you love about cartoons and comics, then take a hammer to those thoughts. That's what these are.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
The 6 Creepiest Things Ever Slipped Into Children's Cartoons
For every wholesome lesson about sharing and togetherness, there's at least one deeply disturbing reference writers have managed to slip past the censors. And some times, it's not exactly subtle.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
6 Movie Plots Made Possible By Ridiculous Understaffing
Running a cloned-dinosaur facility? Naturally, you'll want to staff it with Newman and that dude from Edge of Darkness.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published