Spencer Thew
6 Secret Hollywood Crossovers That Nobody Picked Up On
We're gonna need a bigger cinematic universe.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Spencer Thew, E. Reid Ross, Ryan Menezes, Tolly Vellis
- Published
The 7 Dumbest Attempts To Cram Ads Into Video Games
You see ads everywhere you go, and video games are no exception.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Mike Bedard, Ed Stevens, Ryan Menezes, Gino Reyes, Michael Battaglino, Tolly Vellis
- Published
5 Baffling Ways Hollywood Sucks At Depicting Normal Life
Sometimes it seems like people in Hollywood have never experienced even basic reality.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Michael Battaglino, Tee Ngin Rui, W.H. Thomas, RG Jordan
- Published
5 Movie Characters Who Weren't As Competent As We're Told
Here are some supposedly skilled movie characters repeatedly crashing into stationary objects.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Tiago Svn
- Published
5 History Myths Everybody Believed For Far Too Long
Who knew these unbelievable stories were, in fact, unbelievable?
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Steven Assarian, Eamon Lahiri, Marvin Bea, Stiles Fifield, Christian Markle
- Published
5 Stupid Mistakes Basically All Movie Trilogies Make
Who knew that sequels to sequels would have a bad habit of repeating themselves?
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Tiago Svn
- Published
5 Crossover Episodes That Led To Chaos and Insanity
Somewhere a Hollywood exec paired to random things together and the rest was television history. Extremely stupid history.
- Authors
- By Taylor Daine, Spencer Thew, E.M. Caris
- Published
5 Subtly Hilarious Scenes Movies Knew We'd Never Notice
Some seemingly logical off-screen moments are actually very, very stupid.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Quinton Darby, Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Really Specific Things Movies Are Stealing From Each Other
Some weirdly specific story tropes have been popping up, one movie after another.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Spencer Thew, Ed Stevens, James Freeth, S. Aslam
- Published
6 Video Game Missions That Totally Insulted The Player
Your reward is a huge middle finger from the developers.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Ed Stevens, Domini Gee, Michael Battaglino
- Published
5 Nightmarish Implications Of Classic Kids' Movies
Some kids' movies are really creepy when you devote more than a second of thought to them.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Jordan Breeding, Maxwell C. Rettig
- Published
5 Religious Movies (That Make Religion Look Crazy And Awful)
These movies definitely aren't helping to spread the word of God.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Adam Koski, Jordan Breeding
- Published
5 Movie 'Heroes' We Need To Reconsider
A protagonist isn't always a hero.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Mike Bedard, Abraham Mireles, Jordan Breeding
- Published
5 Horror Films That Just Made Up New Rules Halfway Through
Any good movie needs to establish the rules of its universe.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Mike Bedard, Jordan Breeding, Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Dark And Gritty Sequels To Goofy Video Games
As gamers matured, developers tried to do the same.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Tiago Svn
- Published
The 6 Stupidest Ways Governments Tried To Assassinate People
Spies are not always creative people.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Spencer Thew
- Published
5 Actors Who Do The Same WTF Specific Thing In Every Movie
No one can explain why the following five stars keep having the same bizarrely specific things happen to them in every single movie.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Nathan Wadowski, Dan Hopper, Cal Wiseman Murray, Peter I. Santiago
- Published
5 Movies Where Everyone Ignores The HUGE Actual Problem
Sometimes a movie will accidentally toss out an Earth-shaking revelation that makes the actual plot look like a Goop post guest-written by Jaden Smith.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Nathan Kamal, E.M. Caris, Jordan Breeding, Riley Black, Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Totally WTF Myths That Pop Up In Every Culture Worldwide
Somehow, there are incredibly specific -- and deeply weird -- myths that happen to turn up in places separated by both time and distance.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Spencer Thew, Greg Tuff, Daisy Walters
- Published