Tracy V.
9 Unintentionally Terrifying Old-Timey Children's Toys
When kids in the old days weren't too busy catching the black lung, they had to go home and play with these friggin' nightmares.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
The 5 Least Spooky Real World Hauntings
Boring people make for boring ghosts. At least that's the best explanation we could come up with for these hauntings.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
6 Old Photos of Kids Who Are Way Tougher Than Modern Adults
Before color photographs, kids didn't need to pretend to be badass.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
6 Terrifying Things Nobody Tells You About Newborns
Prepare to be terrified, because you have no idea what you're about to face. And we're not even talking about that first diaper change.
- Authors
- By Tracy V., Rebecca Schaefer
- Published
The 4 Most Baffling Career-Themed Barbie Dolls
It turns out that Barbie can't enter a professional situation without tarting it up.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
10 Christmas Decorations That Will Haunt Your Dreams
The following Christmas decorations are a testament to the fact that even psychopaths and serial killers apparently make time between pulling the legs off insects and fashioning skin suits to celebrate the holidays.
- Authors
- By Raoni Lacerda, Adam Wears, Tracy V., Kelly Stone, Brittany H.
- Published
5 Awesome Vigilantes Who Solved Crimes Better Than the Cops
Look, we're not saying that you should spend your spare time confronting violent criminals -- it ends badly more often than not. We're just saying that it's awesome when it works.
- Authors
- By Juan Arteaga, Tracy V.
- Published
5 Men's Products That Are Clearly Women's Products
Turns out cosmetics companies have begun marketing their products directly to male consumers, providing them with a more dignified alternative to rooting through their girlfriend's purse while she's on the phone with her dying grandmother.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
10 Old-Timey Medical Treatments Inspired by Your Nightmares
In the course of 10 pictures, we're going to make you feel way better about the fact that you weren't born 100 years earlier.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
4 Fictional Works People Insist Are Real
People love stories. Movies and books let us escape our own horrible lives for a few hours. Some people love stories a little too much, however, and eventually begin to forget (or deny) that they are fictional.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
5 Insanely Frivolous Uses of DNA Technology
Sure, science fiction is full of horrifying genetic experiments gone wrong, but in the real world, things are much worse.
- Authors
- By Erik Germ, Tracy V.
- Published
The 9 Most Unnecessary Gadgets Money Can Buy
It's hard to comprehend how people poker-facedly try to sell us gadgets that actually manage to complicate the task they're intended to help with. And we'll buy them.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
11 Useful Products Too Embarrassing to Actually Use (Part 2)
There comes a point where making your life easier just isn't worth the humiliation.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
The 6 Most Hilariously Stupid Criminal Excuses of All Time
If making fun of stupid criminals is a crime, then we plead guilty. We'll even do it in some laughably incompetent way so that we can become a list entry in one of our own articles.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
The 9 Most Insane Board Games of All Time
We realize that advertising should be taken with a whole shaker of salt, especially when it comes to toys, where there's a long history of making products look better than they are (as multiple generations of Sea Monkeys owners can testify). These board game boxes, though, go beyond deceptive advertising and right into the realm of 'See, this is wh
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
6 Iconic Things You Won't Believe Began as Publicity Stunts
Apparently, some of the most iconic places and rituals in the world were started purely to create 'buzz.'
- Authors
- By Erik Germ, Tracy V.
- Published
10 Old Toys That Made Sense In Their Era (And Nowhere Else)
Remember that toy that you just had to have because it was based on something wildly popular? And then it turned out to really, really suck? It turns out that's been happening as long as companies have been mass-producing toys.
- Authors
- By Tracy V., T.D. Woodward
- Published
16 Great Halloween Costumes for Telling Everyone You Suck
We've shown you some pretty bad costumes before. Some of you didn't get the message: Just because your costume wasn't on THAT list doesn't mean you can still dress like an ass and get away with it.
The 8 Most Wildly Irresponsible Vintage Toys
Molten glass, molten metal, hazardous chemicals -- all were included in toys back then ... on purpose.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published