Jason Iannone
Dirty, filthy word whore for Cracked, Grunge, SVG, and anyone else with nothing better to do with their money than give it to me.
5 Crazy Ways The Real World's Changing Thanks To Video Games
Video games aren't real life ... but that doesn't mean they can't affect reality.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
5 Movie Sequels That Actually Ruined Famous Characters
With rare exception, sequels tend to suck.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Jason Iannone, Nathan Kamal, Jordan Breeding, Maxwell C. Rettig, Michael Battaglino
- Published
6 Pieces Of Fan Art That Prove We're Doomed
Fan art can be fun and creative ... or really, really weird. Guess which type we're gonna talk about here.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
7 Honest Attempts To Educate Kids (That Went Horribly Wrong)
If you get too creative in passing along your amazing lessons, you might end up looking like one of these idiots.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
7 Bootlegs Of Famous Products (That Didn't Give A F***)
These brazen products were almost certainly created as giant middle fingers to tech companies and their laws.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
5 Jingles That Were Secretly Written By Celebrities
Your favorite musicians are responsible for the short tunes that inspire madness whenever they're heard.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
7 Heroes Of History's Darkest Nightmares Who Deserve Movies
Still believe the world doesn't have any heroes? Then turn off those 24-hour news channels.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 Legal Loopholes That Criminals Love To Exploit
A lot of time and effort goes into crafting the laws of our society, but every once in a while our devoted lawmakers will overlook a tiny little detail or two.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
5 People So Blinded By Their Hobbies They Forgot To Live
If you ever find yourself doing anything like the following, burn it all to the ground, hug your family, and apologize profusely for so coldly ignoring them all these years.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 Specific Reasons Why Superhero Movies Ruined Comic Books
It turns out those gorgeous movie types cosplaying as your favorite ink-and-paper creations are ruining them more than they'll ever know or care about.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 Things I Learned As An Extra On The New 'Ghostbusters'
I may or may not appear in the final film -- depends on how much the producers enjoyed my panicked scrambling.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
7 Insanely Bad Ideas That Almost Ruined Classic Characters
There's a good chance your favorite character -- the one that decorated your lunchboxes, school notebooks, and undies -- started out as the worst idea ever.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 Covers By Musicians Who Didn't Understand The Original
These covers display such an angry disregard for leaving things the way they are that you'd swear they were created by Windows 10.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
7 Deleted Scenes That Would've Ended Superhero Franchises
We could've had Wu-Tang in a Marvel flick. Someone really dropped the ball.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 Creepy Warnings From History (Are Totally Coming True)
Hindsight is always 20/20, but sometimes the foresight is pretty much 20/20 too.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 F@!*%!-Up Movie And TV Roles Played By Politicians
Are these famous politicians intentionally trying to make us think they're awful actors so that we'll trust them more?
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
6 Hilariously Blatant Episodes Of Greed And Corruption
There's a special breed of government employee so unilaterally crazy, they'll wipe with their butts with the social contract while making direct eye contact with you.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
7 Famous Mascots (Who Once Looked Scary As Hell)
Cutesy, huggable mascots are a shockingly new corporate strategy. Up until recently, characters of the 'Did Satan create this?' variety were fairly commonplace.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
Cheating Means Survival: 5 Realities Of An NCAA Athlete
Let's just come out and say it: College sports are shady as hell.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone, Anonymous
- Published
The 6 Dumbest Things We Just Learned The Secret Service Did
It's been more than 50 years since the last time a president died while the Secret Service was babysitting him, though clearly they've dumb-lucked their way into that winning record.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published