Gladstone has been a columnist here since forever. His forthcoming novel, Notes from the Internet Apocalypse, published by Thomas Dunne, will be available for purchase in early 2014.
5 Huge Hit Movies That No One Ever Talks About Anymore
No one quotes lines from Twister, no one has Twister-watching parties, and no one recalls with fond admiration any of the performances. But it was a monster hit for a lot of reasons.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Classic Films Nobody Admits Fall Apart Halfway Through
There is a substantial amount of great filmmaking that was beaten to death by its evil twin.
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- By Gladstone
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5 More Great Movies That Completely Fall Apart
These five classic films won the public's hearts on the strength of their openings, and we've kind of chosen to politely forget all the mediocrity in the second reel.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Impossible Things You're Not Supposed To Talk Back About
Sometimes, you keep quiet because speaking, while it might make you feel better, doesn't do anything to help the situation. Here are the five times it's the hardest to keep quiet.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Everyday Offenses That Are Inexplicably Maddening
There are still things people do that drive me far crazier than they should.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Ways Living In A Big City Warps How You See The World
This is why we should all live in caves and fight each other with sticks and feces.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Real World Lessons College Teaches (By Accident)
Things that were never contained in a textbook or a lecture but made painfully clear to me simply by my four-year immersion in a little community that would help me predict the real world to come.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Most Unexpectedly Whiny Rock Songs
How did no one notice these were incredibly whiny?
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- By Gladstone
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5 Great Songs For Ruining Father's Day
For many, this day is a bitter reminder of all the things children deserve but sometimes don't get.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Ethical Questions On Posting Photos Of Strangers Online
I'm not claiming to have all the answers, but it seems the ethics involved in posting pics are evolving along with the technology that enables it.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Common Phrases That Automatically Kill A Conversation
Small talk is hard. That's why people at parties sometimes stare at their phones or get drunk instead of having conversations.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Actors Who Weren't Acting In Their Most Iconic Scenes
Here are five times when directors decided the best way to help an actor capture a moment was by recording them out of character.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Things You Learn After Getting Shingles
Yes, I had shingles, and, as I was about to find out, even though everyone has sorta heard of it and a third of Americans get it during their lifetime, most people don't really have a good handle on what shingles is.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Things You Judge Less Harshly When You're Old
Here are five things getting older teaches you to judge less harshly.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Meaningless Songs Everyone Thinks Are Deep (Part 3)
Claiming to personally know a song's true meaning, it turns out, is just setting yourself up for disappointment.
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- By Gladstone
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4 Famous Artists Who Stole Big Ideas From Newcomers
Sometimes influences work the other way. Sometimes, artists who are already established masters are clearly influenced by young upstarts.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Songs People Think Are Deep (Until They Think About Them)
Here are five songs that aren't nearly as deep and important as fans tend to think.
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- By Gladstone
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The 5 Least Meaningful Songs People Mistake for Being Deep
Super fans have exalted these songs to a level of philosophical or literary heaviness that scrutiny does not sustain.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Players Who Changed The Game (After Being Rejected By It)
Sometimes, instead of rejection leading to failure, it's merely the catalyst for people to go out on their own.
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- By Gladstone
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5 Cheap Things To Keep Kids Busy In Winter
For those of you too young to have kids, why not use this time to have an unplanned pregnancy and bookmark this column for two years from now.
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- By Gladstone
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