Fitzgerald Smith
The Dirty Truth About 'Finding Nemo'
As we've mentioned before, Disney is far from as innocent as they pretend to be. And Pixar, which joined Disney in 2006, isn't slacking on their end, either.
- Authors
- By Fitzgerald Smith
- Published
4 Crucial Rules of End Zone Celebration Etiquette
Throughout the season fans are treated to some laughably bad touch down celebrations. We've put together a short guide that will hopefully help players avoid these mistakes in the future.
- Authors
- By Fitzgerald Smith
- Published
Linkstorm 2.28.11: Other Oscar Awards and Surprise Nominations
- Authors
- By Fitzgerald Smith
- Published
The 7 Most Ridiculous Movie Character Overreactions
People in movies often wind up making grossly illogical and often utterly insane choices purely to spice things up. These are the characters who probably should have taken a moment to think things over.
- Authors
- By Fitzgerald Smith
- Published
The 5 Most Easily Avoidable Movie Deaths
Why is it that when a character has to die, they often have to dive through mind-boggling hoops in the process? Here are a few that simply defy all logic and common sense.
- Authors
- By Fitzgerald Smith
- Published