Elorm Kojo Ntumy
6 Big Moments In History (People Forgot About Immediately)
If you want to make the history books, timing is everything.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Steven Assarian, Christian Markle
- Published
5 Sets Of Ancient Remains That Have Baffled The Experts
Ah, archeology! Though tragically devoid of whips and Nazi-punching in real life, this unassuming scientific field never fails to provide when it comes to balls-out terror.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
The 5 Most Inexplicable Things That Instigated Huge Riots
We humans have a special knack for banding together to accomplish a shared goal ... especially when said goal is wantonly breaking shit.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Charles Angstrom
- Published
6 Things You Won't Believe Got Banned from Modern Countries
Sometimes, supposedly fully grown rulers of nations lose their shit and decide to just outright blanket ban absurd things for even more absurd reasons.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover, Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Insane Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Someone
You're now a trenchcoat away from being Sherlock Holmes.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 True Stories Too Unbelievable for the Movies They Inspired
It turns out the real people who inspired your favorite fictional characters are actually far more compelling.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Insane Children's Books That Will Ruin Your Child
When authors try to get clever, they begin a cycle that will never stop. That's how we get innocent-looking books that hide baffling lessons like.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone, Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Old-Timey Movies That'd Be NC-17 Today
It's funny how we rewrite history to make the present look worse. Because that's simply just not the case.
- Authors
- By Chris Scott, Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
The 6 Most Disturbing Song Choices by Huge Ad Campaigns
Some marketers are content to slap any old catchy riff into their ads, regardless of the incredibly awkward context that the lyrics might create.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Stupid Questions You Won't Believe Scientists Answered
One of the best things about Science is that it answers questions we never realized needed answering. In fact, Science gets so overeager sometimes that it starts answering questions that really shouldn't have been asked in the first place.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Josh Hrala, Michael Hossey
- Published
5 Surprising Things That Manipulate Your Moods Every Day
Your emotions are dictated by the outside world in ways you might find bizarre and shocking.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Famous Symbols that Were Created to Be Horrible Insults
It's always weird to look at the pop culture symbols we just take for granted and realize how often the origins are somewhere between insulting and utterly horrifying.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Mike Floorwalker, Ryan Menezes
- Published
The 6 Most Bizarre Safe For Work Fetishes
These are fully clothed, non-sexual images and videos that still serve as wank material for vast audiences of otherwise normal people.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Horrifying Hazards of Seemingly Normal Jobs
It doesn't take heavy machinery or bad weather to make a job deadly.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Joey Clift
- Published
The 6 Most Intriguing Stupid Questions Answered by Science
Does science waste time on frivolous experiments? Yep, but sometimes they pay off.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Elsa Moriarty, Josh Hrala
- Published
The 9 Most Hilarious Ways Criminals Were Caught
It turns out that criminals will throw the cops a bone and just hilariously bungle their way into prison.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Eric Yosomono, Elorm Kojo Ntumy, Andrew Munro
- Published
5 Simple Ways to Trick Yourself into Not Feeling Pain
It turns out there unexpected ways to reduce pain, and we're not referring to your grandpa's preferred method.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
6 Mental Illnesses That Only Happen in One Place on Earth
There is a long list of absolutely bizarre mental disorders that are extremely common in one place, and only one.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
7 Bizarre Things That Science Says Make You a Better Athlete
When people think about how scientists can help them be better at sports, they're probably thinking about what cocktail of steroids they can take that won't show up on a urine test. The truth is actually way more legal.
- Authors
- By John Dubensky, Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Seemingly Harmful Things That Make You Live Longer
Apparently science says that there are plenty of random and even bad habits that will help us live longer.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published