Dwayne Hoover
I write an article or column every once in a while.
5 Mind-Blowingly Weird Religious Sites You've Never Heard Of
Most religious practices look kind of ridiculous out of context ... Let's go ahead and make fun of them now.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover, Tiago Svn, Andrea Meno, A Stone
- Published
5 Insanely Important Jobs (We're Running Out Of People For)
We are running out of people for some especially vital jobs.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover, Michael Garowee, T.W. Thinker, Eamon Lahiri
- Published
4 Things You Learn Moving From A Small Town To A Big City
You know what to expect: glitzy nightlife, exotic dining options, everyone spends all day, every day honking their horns in traffic.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover
- Published
Moms Think You're Creepy: 5 WTF Side Effects Of Single Dads
On many occasions, when one of my kids made a new friend, their parents would hastily decide that it was time to go home.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover
- Published
6 Things You Won't Believe Got Banned from Modern Countries
Sometimes, supposedly fully grown rulers of nations lose their shit and decide to just outright blanket ban absurd things for even more absurd reasons.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover, Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
5 Things Record Labels Don't Want You to Know They Do
Here are a few things record labels don't want you to know that they still do in an effort to separate you -- and the artists -- from your hard-earned cash.
- Authors
- By Rani Baker, Dwayne Hoover
- Published
The 6 Creepiest Ways They're Harvesting Electricity
As the threat of global warming and other environmental catastrophes grow more and more apparent, science is looking ever more desperately for things to turn into electricity that don't involve murdering everything horribly as a side effect.
- Authors
- By Mike Haring, Dwayne Hoover
- Published
7 Outrageous Hoaxes That Actually Worked
Since society has had several thousand years of practice at recognizing con artists, you'd think we'd get pretty good at spotting them. But you'd be wrong. For a scam to succeed, it doesn't take any kind of special genius. Or even average genius.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover, Dustin Koski
- Published
5 Sci-Fi Ad Techniques That Are About to Make Life Creepier
You've seen hundreds of ads today -- how many did you actually remember? Don't think for one second ad execs are going to let that continue.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover
- Published
6 Things You Won't Believe Got Banned By Modern Governments
Most things that are illegal are illegal for a reason. Sometimes, though, some laws are wrong. Hilariously wrong, in fact.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover
- Published
The 6 Most Insane Cities Ever Planned
Cities are all pretty much the same, but if any of these designers had had his way, every city would be a bizarre, science fiction-esque habitat.
- Authors
- By Dwayne Hoover
- Published