Dennis Fulton
You'll like me. Tons of people think I'm funny (they live in Canada, you wouldn't know them).
My biggest flaws are I love too much, I am far too charitable, and I lie about myself in account profiles to make myself look better. I'm 6'11" and I helped found Facebook. Zuckerberg really screwed us there.
5 Things That Were So Effective They Had To Be Banned
As if the dudes from 'MythBusters' weren't already awesome, their origin story lends them even more street cred.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Geniuses With Hilariously Stupid Creative Processes
Some incredibly successful people can only get work done under conditions so bizarre or idiotic that anyone else would be driven insane within minutes.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton, Nathan Kamal, Ed Stevens, Molly Khan
- Published
5 People Who Ruled At Things They Had No Right to Even Try
Some people pull such amazing feats, it's hard not to think they're secretly X-Men.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Modern Things Created For Totally Different Purposes
It turns out that when you trace some of the things we use every day back to their origins, you find that, while necessity may be the mother of invention, sometimes her baby daddy is serendipity.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Acts of Staggering Hypocrisy From Self-Righteous Critics
Here are five outspoken critics who suddenly found themselves Googling for a way to cleanly remove all of the bumper stickers from their car.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton, Aaron James
- Published
5 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers (Part 3)
These select groups of gifted individuals, whether they were born better than us or simply became so over time, have abilities that make them stronger, keener, faster ... and probably totally smug about it, too.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Dennis Fulton, Carmen Burana
- Published
5 Grossly Inappropriate Jokes Hidden in Children's Cartoons
Cartoon writers have the unenviable task of creating something a toddler will love, without it making mom or the babysitter want to blow their own brains out. Yet some of the stuff they slip past censors is pretty shocking.
- Authors
- By Matt Pass, Dennis Fulton, Jeetesh, Carolyn Burke, Cole Norton
- Published
5 Shocking Ways Social Media Trends Can Predict Catastrophes
Turns out all that Facebook stalking is good for something.
- Authors
- By K. Montagne, Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Beloved Celebrities Who Were Nothing Like You Think
In some cases, real celebrity personalities actually contradicted the one thing they're now famous for.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Brilliant Clues Hidden in the Background of Movies
It's hard to blame the internet for spoiling movies when these movies did it to themselves.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent, Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Fan Theories About Cartoons That Will Ruin Your Childhood
Crazy is like currency on the Internet, and among all the garbage, some strangely compelling ideas can emerge, making you rethink shows you thought you knew well.
- Authors
- By Aaron Short, Dennis Fulton
- Published
6 Iconic Movie Scenes That Happened by Accident
Like in any job, accidents tend to happen when they're shooting a movie ... and sometimes those accidents turn out to be far better than what the director originally had in mind and are left in the film.
- Authors
- By Sean Warhurst, Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Movies Made Possible by Characters Who Suck at Their Job
If you're reading this at work right now instead of finishing that report, keep in mind that you might very well be setting off the plot of movies like these.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell, Daniel Crow, Dennis Fulton
- Published
The 7 Most Extreme Lies Ever Told to Get Out of Something
There are a number of perfectly reasonable excuses to avoid doing something you don't want to, but sometimes reason just won't cut it. That's when crazy steps in.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Kids Who Kick Ass at Stuff They Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do
Every parent dreams of having a kid who's a genius, or a star athlete, or something else that makes them famous by proxy. But not everything can be gymnastics and violins.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez, Dennis Fulton
- Published
The 5 Most Diabolical Crimes Planned and Executed by Kids
We're not encouraging children to commit crimes, or applauding the terrible deeds committed by these kids. We're just saying we're kind of impressed.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez, Dennis Fulton
- Published
The 7 Most Insane Ways People Legally Avoided Paying Taxes
The truth is that the IRS isn't nearly as hardass as people think. There is a huge range of things you're allowed to write off from your taxes if you can make some kind of argument. And some of them are truly insane.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Historic Sex Scandals That Put Bill Clinton to Shame
People have been sticking their bits in ill-advised places since the beginning of time, and history has its share of scandals where the details of the stories are actually quite a bit weirder.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published
8 Apps Designed Specifically for Modern Douchebags
If you're a regular person, your regular-person-shield (otherwise known as common human decency) will repel you from apps like these. Of course, that doesn't mean there isn't a market for these things -- which is most frightening of all.
- Authors
- By Benjamin Buso, Dennis Fulton
- Published