Ricardo Oskam
I like things, they're pretty great
6 Hilariously Elaborate Ways People Cheated At Stuff
Pigeon racing is a deadly serious competition, so of course there are pigeon doping scandals.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Oskam
- Published
7 Movie Violence Tropes (That Are BS IRL)
There are basic elements of these movies that you probably took for truth just because you've seen them over and over, for decades.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Oskam, Martin Olsen
- Published
5 Clever Song Lyrics That Foreshadow Big Movie Moments
Sometimes, composers will get clever and insert cues that practically give away the endings to the shows or movies you're watching. If, that is, you're paying close enough attention and have an encyclopedic knowledge of both popular and classical music.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Oskam, Ed Stevens, E.M. Caris, Carolyn Burke
- Published
Why You've Never Really Tasted Your 6 Favorite Foods
We tend to orient our diets around how our food looks, in lieu of how it actually tastes. And the food industry knows this.
- Authors
- By Ricardo Oskam
- Published