Christopher Daed
Die Hard and Home Alone Are The EXACT Same Movie
If you're wondering, no, there's no evidence one way or the other as to whether the similarities are intentional.
- Authors
- By Christopher Daed
- Published
5 Reasons Tech Companies Make Bad Gadgets (An Inside Look)
My name is Christopher Daed, and I've put in time in the tech industry with Microsoft, Intel, and others. And I'm here to tell you why your technology is crap.
- Authors
- By Christopher Daed, Robert Evans
- Published
6 Movies That Inadvertently Remade Other Movies
Apparently, there are movies, sometimes decades apart, that seem to have absolutely nothing to do with each other ... and yet, when you look at them carefully, they turn out to be the exact same thing.
- Authors
- By Christopher Daed
- Published