Janel Comeau
Struggling student by day, struggling writer by night. And also evening. And sometimes morning, if I happen to get up early.
The 11 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes No One Can Explain (Part 2)
Horror stories are great and all, but around Halloween, we like to focus on the real stuff. You know, the monsters that could in fact be outside your house right now.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder, Janel Comeau, Tara Marie
- Published
The 11 Creepiest Unsolved Crimes No One Can Explain: Part 1
Lots of you are too old and jaded to be kept awake at night by ghost stories and implausible urban legends. No, this time of year, you need something a little more real.
- Authors
- By Robin Warder, Janel Comeau, Tara Marie
- Published
The Creepiest Serial Killers (Who Still Remain At Large)
We love our serial killers in one of two flavors -- dead, or in prison. But not the third flavor: the ones who do their thing for years, or even decades, without ever getting caught.
- Authors
- By Janel Comeau
- Published
Great Artists Who Passionately Hated Their Most Famous Work
Here are a few works of art we nearly lost to the blood-rage that lives within all creative types.
- Authors
- By Janel Comeau, Rachel Loomis
- Published
The 5 Weirdest Disappearances No One Can Explain
Sometimes people go missing so hard that it's like Doc and Marty jacked up the time stream and erased them entirely from the fabric of existence.
- Authors
- By Janel Comeau
- Published
Horrifying Twist Endings (That Happened IRL)
When you discover your dad is Charles Manson do you A) Write him letters in prison? Or B) Pretend you never found out and take that information to the grave?
- Authors
- By Janel Comeau
- Published
6 Bizarre Medical Conditions That Shouldn't Be Possible
In the name of preparedness (and giving hypochondriacs something new to obsess over), we want to let you know of a few things.
- Authors
- By Himanshu Sharma, Janel Comeau
- Published
5 Historical Figures More Terrifying Than Any Horror Villain
Jason Vorhees would run away screaming at the sight of any of these real-life monsters.
- Authors
- By Janel Comeau
- Published