S Peter Davis
S Peter Davis is an editor for Cracked and a writer based in Brisbane, Australia. He is the creator of the Three Minute Philosophy series, and was recently judged the internet's most eligible bachelor. You can see more of his work at www.threeminutephilosophy.com
6 Ways You Can Get Sucked Into The 'Incel' Trap
It's entirely possible that we're all just a few life decisions away from being truly terrible.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
How Alt-Right Trolls Keep Tricking The Mainstream Media
Historians will always remember 2016 as the year a 4chan meme burst to life and became president of the United States.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
5 Ridiculously Implausible Things The Alt-Right Is Afraid Of
Inside every hateful person is a scared person.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Millennial Fads That Are Way Older Than You Think
Guess what? Half of the Millennial trends your grandpa complains about are actually even older than he is.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Times Normal People Got Screwed By Their Twitter Username
These days, everybody has a Twitter account.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
5 Action Stars Who Had Real Life Moments Of Badassery
You don't really expect that any of your favorite action heroes are going to live up to their on-screen reputations. But there are a few cases where actors apparently forgot there weren't any cameras rolling.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
The 6 Most Outlandish Claims Made By Celebrities
There are some celebrities who have told tales so tall you could see your house from them.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
7 Everyday Heroes Who Mercilessly Trolled Racist Morons
Human society comes with a great number of diverse opinions, but there are at least some basic ideas we should all be able to agree on: Racism is bad, hate speech is unacceptable, and people who leave shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot are literally the devil.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Famous People Who Hilariously Trolled Their Own Fans
Some celebrities see fame as tremendous burden and distraction from their craft, whereas others treat it as a golden opportunity to screw with thousands of strangers for no logical reason.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Outrageous Ways Hollywood Can (And Will) Screw You Over
Breaking into Hollywood is really hard. Especially when the very industry you're trying to break into is aching to screw you over.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
8 Ways Earth Will Look Freaking Insane In Thousands Of Years
There's a good chance that Future Earth will look like a 5-year-old's attempt at making the planet out of mismatched Lego pieces.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
8 Famous People You Didn't Know Were Total Creeps On Twitter
Warning: This article will almost certainly make you think twice about some of your favorite celebrities.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
5 Hilariously Weird Ways People Used Religious Loopholes
As the saying goes: Every time God closes a door, he forgets to mention anything about jimmying open door locks.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 Famous People You Admire (Who Are Secretly Terrible)
Michael Jordan has a history of being a big bald bully.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
5 Important Skills That Are About To Die Forever
We may soon see the day when no human alive can remember the ancient technique of how to repair a VCR.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
7 Huge Apocalypses (That Might Happen In Your Lifetime)
We're one earthquake in Japan away from all of society collapsing.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
Super White & Kinda Racist: 5 Realities Of Australia
What do you really know about the Australian outback? We spoke to someone who works there and this is what we learned.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis, R. Jason Benson, Elsa Moriarty
- Published
Seemingly Sane Celebrities With Bizarre Paranormal Beliefs
We expect our famous people to be a little bit crazy, because money and fame mess with your head in ways science can barely comprehend. But still ...
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
6 WTF Works of Art That Required an Insane Amount of Effort
Depending on who you ask, these people either are shining examples of the human endeavor or just, like, really didn't have anything better to do that decade.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published