Kel Zhang
I write science stuff up at Ithaca, NY.
15 Mind-Bending Buildings That Are Architecture Porn
While most buildings adhere to the standard design, there are still plenty out there that were clearly the work of insane, overgrown children.
- Authors
- By Kel Zhang
- Published
6 Fictional Universes You Won't Believe Exist On Earth
Picture the most fantastical setting you can imagine. Odds are that place exists.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Kel Zhang, CR McNeil
- Published
6 Animals That Look Like Drunken Combinations of Other Ones
- Authors
- By Kel Zhang, E. Reid Ross, Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Ways Life With Tourette's is Way Weirder Than in Movies
We talked to four people living with Tourette's syndrome and discovered that, aside from their unfortunate condition, they're as normal and human as the rest of us, and sometimes, just sometimes, maybe a little bit more butterscotch dinosaur snatch.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Kel Zhang, Tyler Oberheu, K.C., Benjamin Thomas DuFault
- Published
6 Dazzling Sights in Nature (Caused by Human Stupidity)
As bad as it is that humanity is destroying the planet, at least we can console ourselves with the fact that we manage to create some trippy imagery in the process.
- Authors
- By Kel Zhang
- Published
7 Awesome Buildings That Look Like They're Designed by Kids
It turns out plenty of professional folks are 12-year-olds magically trapped in grown-up bodies.
- Authors
- By Kel Zhang
- Published