Chan Teik Onn
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8 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Happened (Pt. 2)
The following coincidences are very well-documented, otherwise there's no way in hell we'd buy any of this crap.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Robin Warder, Chan Teik Onn
- Published
5 Insane Ways People Trolled the System (And Won)
We all have to deal with rules we think are stupid now and again, but for the most part there's nothing you can really do about them. Unless you're these people.
- Authors
- By Chan Teik Onn
- Published
The 5 Most Absurd Uses of Product Placement Ever
Some shows go the extra mile when hawking for their sponsors, directly weaving them into the storyline with all the grace and subtlety of a drunken hippopotamus.
- Authors
- By Dyl Moore, Chan Teik Onn
- Published
5 Things Everyone Did Growing Up (That Now Get You Arrested)
All of you smelly kids are officially on notice.
- Authors
- By Chan Teik Onn
- Published
The 6 Most Horrifying Health Foods in the World
All of the following dishes are considered healthy in their native cultures, but we still could not be persuaded to sit down to a nice bowl full of this stuff.
- Authors
- By Chan Teik Onn
- Published
5 Well-Known Tips for Healthy Eating (That Don't Work)
Considering that eating is the basic building block of survival, you'd think we'd pretty much have it down by now, yet it's hard to find a subject more prone to bullshit.
- Authors
- By Ryan J. Leeds, Chan Teik Onn
- Published