Sam Jackson
My other writing:
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How The 'GOT' Fandom Impacted The Story In Major Ways
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Sam Jackson
- Published
5 'Underdog' Movies About Real People Who Weren't Underdogs
Don't feel too sorry for these
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, Jordan Breeding
- Published
8 Massive Disasters In Marketing No One Noticed
You'd think brands would be obsessive about not, say, including accidental references to Nazis or child rape in their festive product labels. You'd be wrong.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson
- Published
7 Video Game Glitches That Accidentally Create Comedy Gold
Every now and then a glitch makes the game so much better than anybody ever could have known.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, Ivan Farkas
- Published
Embarrassing Movies Made By Famous Musicians
Here are some talented musicians you've probably heard of who made bizarre, pretentious movies you almost certainly haven't.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, JM McNab
- Published
6 Hilariously Stupid Early Personas Of Wrestling Superstars
Professional wrestling is a carnival of wonders that defies imagination.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, Cristian Ramirez
- Published
8 Actors Who Do The Same Exact Thing On Every Movie Poster
Whether it be because of some irrational fear, bizarre superstition, very specific form of vanity, or other reason only they know, some actors do the exact same thing on every poster.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon , Sam Jackson, Carolyn Burke
- Published
The 5 Weirdest Ways the Modern World Changed Human Behavior
None of this stuff is going to ruin the world. But it is weird as hell.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Sam Jackson, Jacob Richardson
- Published
5 Desperate People Who Hacked Junk Into Lifesaving Devices
Money makes the world go round. But when those filthy little portraits of dead white dudes become scarce, people rely instead on the true wealth of the human race: ingenuity.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, Ivan Farkas
- Published
6 Celebrities You Didn't Know Had Ridiculous Music Careers
Sometimes, an entertainer's musical side job reveals a whole other side of their personality.
- Authors
- By Chris Berglund, Sam Jackson, JM McNab
- Published
5 Unknown People Who Secretly Made All Your Favorite Music
What sucks about the entertainment industry is that usually a very small group of very pretty people get all of the credit for work done by an army of talented folks behind the scenes.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson
- Published
6 Outdated Myths Everyone Still Believes About Homosexuality
We have openly gay celebrities and politicians, and yet, the misconceptions persist.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson
- Published
5 Certifiably Insane Things People Do to Relieve Stress
Stress seems to be something that modern society has no answer for. So it's no suprise people are starting to look a little outside the box for answers ...
- Authors
- By T. O'Sullivan, Sam Jackson, Nathan Murphy
- Published
5 Reasons Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying the World
It's time to take conspiracy theorists seriously, but not for the reasons they want us to.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Sam Jackson
- Published
9 Famous Thinkers Who Were Total Hypocrites
We're not saying these people are all liars or that their books should be tossed in the garbage. It's just interesting to see how the human mind works.
- Authors
- By Cornelius Heyer, Sammy Trujillo, Sam Jackson
- Published
5 Terrifying Ways Police Can Legally Screw You Over
In America, the courts have again and again given the police all sorts of leeway to royally screw up your life for almost no reason at all.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson
- Published
The 6 Most Ham-Fisted Uses of Sexual Innuendo in Marketing
Sometimes there is no plausible way to associate your product with sex without winding up with something that will turn people off sex forever.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen, Sam Jackson
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Acts of Fan Dedication Ever
Sometimes people love things too much and it crosses the line from unchecked enthusiasm into unsettling obsession.
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Robert Rosati, Sam Jackson
- Published
5 Famous Musicians Who Correctly Predicted Their Own Death
Who knows when and how death's grim hand will come to us? Musicians, apparently.
- Authors
- By Sam Jackson, Ryan Menezes
- Published