Robin O'Lachlan
For all you Robin goodness, feel free to PM him via Cracked, or shoot him an email at r.olachlan at gmail.com
The 5 Strangest Ways Petty Criminals Escaped Punishment
We're not saying any of these strategies will work for you. We're just saying they've worked at least once.
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan, Alex Hanton, Jamie Flexman
- Published
5 Iconic Scenes from History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly
Everything your history books taught you is a lie, and that's what keeps us in business!
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan
- Published
6 People Saved by Literally the Last Person They Expected
When the time came to tell their rivals to eat shit, they instead turned around and said, 'Sure thing, buddy, let me help you with that.'
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan, Alex Hanton, Eric Yosomono
- Published
7 Priceless Works of Art Ruined by Staggering Acts of Idiocy
Sometimes there's no good reason for losing valuable art. Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to blatant stupidity.
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan
- Published
6 Bizarre Forms of Discrimination That Can Lose You a Job
There are still
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan
- Published
6 Laws That Were Great On Paper (And Insane Everywhere Else)
Sometimes, the most well-intentioned of laws can backfire like a poorly maintained Pinto, spraying equal parts hilarity and tragedy all over the place.
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan, Dave Easton
- Published
8 Hilarious Brain Farts (That Endangered National Security)
Little national security mistakes happen all the time. Also, some huge, laugh-out-loud ridiculous ones.
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan
- Published
6 Motivational Exercises That Went Horribly Wrong
Companies are constantly coming up with ridiculous schemes to try and motivate their employees to at least pretend that they care about their job. Next time you find yourself humiliated by having to chant company slogans in the name of team building, just keep in mind, it could be worse. Much worse.
- Authors
- By Robin O'Lachlan
- Published