Anita Serwacki
Cracked Staff Writer
What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (8/06/2017)
What stupid crap is everyone talking about right now? Well...
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki, Katie Goldin, Andres Diplotti
- Published
What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (7/30/2017)
What are the people of the internet prattling on about now? Why, let us tell you!
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki, Katie Goldin, Andres Diplotti
- Published
What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (7/16/2017)
What is everyone on your social media feed up in arms about today? Right now, it's this.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki, Katie Goldin, Andres Diplotti
- Published
5 Things Nobody Tells You About Getting Punched in the Face
My story is as simple as it is stupid. Here's the reality of being punched.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
5 Real Ways the World Could Just Freaking End
For all our imagination about the apocalypse, Mother Nature still can outdo us.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
10 Tips for Improving Your Goodbye Letter to the World
What if everyone sat down and wrote a goodbye letter before the world went kaboom?
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
5 Projects That Are at Least a Two-Man Job
Turns out friendlessness has a downside after all.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
The 5 Craziest Black Sheep from Famous Families
These outcasts generally expected no audience -- they were just doing 'their thing' because they really wanted to. And because they were crazy.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
5 Famous Superhero Secret Identities Updated for Modern Life
There are certainly new opportunities out there for the mild-mannered. With a little investment and training, a superhero can make the transition to one of these rewarding new secret civilian careers.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
5 Crazy People Who You Can Elect President Tomorrow
Tomorrow, America will make a choice: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. At least, that's how the media will tell it, but truth is, you've actually got a lot of options tomorrow, especially if you're hoping to waste your vote on someone who is likely insane.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
The 6 Types of People Who Tweet Directly to the Candidates
Many of their ranks are made up of the charmingly naive. Here are the six types of people who Tweet at the presidential candidates.
- Authors
- By Anita Serwacki
- Published