15 Pearls Of Wisdom We’ve Meticulously Strung Together Into A Powerful Rivière Of Knowledge

From the realms of entertainment to the mysteries of the cosmos and the unexpected talents of our avian friends, the world never ceases to amaze us. Amy Poehler, at the youthful age of 32, brought the character of the "cool mom" to life in the iconic film Mean Girls, a mere seven years older than Rachel McAdams, who brilliantly portrayed the notorious Regina George at 25. Meanwhile, in the vast expanse of space, we find the planet Venus spinning in a clockwise direction, standing out among its planetary counterparts. And if that's not peculiar enough, Uranus takes an even stranger stance, rolling on its side. As we explore the wonders of nature, it turns out that pigeons, too, possess astonishing abilities. In a remarkable scientific study, they demonstrated their capacity to distinguish between artworks crafted by legendary artists Picasso and Monet. Bird brained more like art brained! Don’t think too much about it! Read more certifiably fascinating facts below!
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Deep Dive

Water Is Wet

Citrus Circus

Vending Variety

Water World

Gold Rush

Island Living

Pyramid Scheme

City Bugs

Wacky Walk

Bird Brained

Space is weird

Cool Mom

Dead Tooth

Moon Mate