13 Iconic Sitcoms That Almost Had Much More Bizarre Names

Screenwriters across the board will tell you… Coming up with the title is the hardest part. Sometimes a good title hits you right away, and you don’t have to spend hours, days, or even weeks painstakingly writing out every possibility, and hoping one jumps out at you. Then, even when you land on one, some producer will hate it, and you’ll have to go back to the drawing board. Or worse, you’ll have to take their suggestions. Gross.
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The idea for the show itself started becoming easy to pitch, but the label… That’s how you help hawk it to the masses. What does it say about the show’s overall tone? Will this great title help draw a crowd? These are the questions mulled over in eye-rollingly boring meetings until it’s time to start filming. Actually, in the case of one very popular show, the name was changed after the first season. Here’s that and 12 other stories behind the names of your favorite sitcoms.
Glenn Howerton’s A-Ha moment.

Um, Um, Raymond is a pretty bad option.

The Seinfeld Chronicles only got one chronicle.

Schitt’s Creek brilliantly pulled that title off. This show… Not so much.

TV wasn’t ready for this title.

Yeah, cool, Miss Bliss. But what about your students?

Ellen changed its name after the first season.

Quincy Jones for the win.

Insomnia Cafe? They weren’t in Central Park all night long!

In other words… Act right!

It seems so right, but 30 Rock was not the first choice.

We wonder if real-life Parks Department employees took offense.

Another spicy title that didn’t make the cut.