15 Trivia Tidbits We’ve Been Dropping Behind Us One By One As We Trek Through The Dark Forest, Sure Hope Nobody Consumes Them When We’re Not Looking, Because How Else Will We Ever Get Home?

Welcome to the wacky world of history and trivia, where even something as innocent as lipstick can be considered a weapon of mass seduction. Back in the 1770s, England's parliament passed a law that banned lipstick, claiming that women who wore it were using it to lure men into marriage, and were thus witches. And if that doesn't make you pucker up with laughter, did you know that pennies don't actually have a smell, but the human body produces a distinct odor upon touching them? The human body truly is a prison of smells, odors and liquids of various levels of viscosity! But wait, there's more! Even the beloved cartoon duo Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner had a set of rules to follow, including a strict "no dialogue ever" policy, and a requirement to use only ACME corporation tools and weapons. So don't be a looney tooney, stick around for more fun facts!
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