13 Impressive Feats of Beginner's Luck

Welcome to our list of 13 people who succeeded beyond all odds on their first try at something. We’ve all heard the phrase “practise makes perfect”, but these remarkable individuals prove that sometimes, luck is all you need. From mathematicians to grandmothers, these stories are sure to inspire.
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We’ve included stories of people who succeeded in unexpected ways, too. Take Ferdinand Demara, for example. He managed to help all the Korean War casualties on board a Royal Canadian Navy Destroyer, even though he had no medical knowledge. Or Scott Foster, a 36-year-old accountant who was unexpectedly called up to play in the NHL and managed to save every shot he faced in his debut game.
And last but not least, we’ve included the story of Juliette Lamour, an 18-year-old who made history by becoming the youngest Canadian to ever win a massive $35.8 million lottery jackpot on her first try.
So, without further ado, let’s get to the list! Here are 13 people who succeeded beyond all odds on their first try at something. Enjoy.
"Impossible" theorem proven, career launched.
![CRACKED A STUDENT PROVES THE IMPOSSIBLE In 1939, George Dantzig, a doctoral student at Berkeley, managed to prove a theorem that was thought to be impossible. This breakthrough led to his first paper and a successful career in mathematics. т/2 + 2, A1 p= - <°م N App. AL arg 2)(S) (u - + - Uk)Go(u) f(=)/a,=] p(x) = -G( no x2)] paid](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/0/0/5/897005.jpg)
5 People Who Succeeded Because They Didn't Know It Was Impossible / Twitter
The Nazis

5 People Who Succeeded Because They Didn't Know It Was Impossible
Frosted Light Bulb

5 People Who Succeeded Because They Didn't Know It Was Impossible / Wikipedia
Oops, wrong bank.

5 People Who Succeeded Because They Didn't Know It Was Impossible / The National News
Mission: Impossible, accomplished.

5 People Who Succeeded Because They Didn't Know It Was Impossible
Lucky find: $156K in Roman coins.




Grandma Wins


Pizza perfection achieved.

Canadian Lottery