15 Trivia Tidbits That Superheated Our Cerebrospinal Fluid And Gently Sous-Vided Our Cerebrums

Gather round children and hear the tales of fun facts of yore! Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a great author named Maurice Sendak. He dreamed of a magical world where wild horses roamed free, and he called it "Where the Wild Horses Are." But alas, poor Maurice could not draw horses, and his dreams were dashed. Meanwhile, in another part of the kingdom, a great tragedy had befallen the people of Jamaica. A dastardly thief had stolen an entire beach, leaving behind only a barren wasteland. And if that wasn’t cruel enough, across the sea in a distant land, a dark and evil tyrant by the name of Hitler had a diabolical plan for the city of Moscow: to kill all its residents and turn it into a lake. No, seriously. These are the wild and wondrous tales of our fun fact land! Read on to hear more about this mystical and mysterious place!
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The Blues Brothers

Universal Pictures
Wildin’ Out

Maurice Sendak
SpongeBob NoPainPants

FP media/Shutterstock,
So No Head?

Bill Nye The Natural Philosopher Guy

Pineapple Poise


Everett Collection/Shutterstock
The War Aims and Strategies of Adolf Hitler, by Oscar Pinkus (via Google Books)
Tragic Telegraph

No Pain No Gain

Lyndon Johnson

Buckets O Blood

TriStar Pictures
Dolphin Daze

The Beach Is Back

Oh Say Can You See

Embassy of People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in Pretoria