13 Non-Comedians Who Laid It All On The Line For Laughs (and Totally Whiffed)

They say that funny folks have an easier time transitioning to drama than the drama majors have eeking laughs out of anyone. Which makes total sense, because as we’ve heard on every single episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee… You can’t teach funny. An already funny person can hone their craft and create funnier, more polished work, but it’s safe to say that no one knighted them with the ability to make people laugh in the first place. Since they already have the funny in their tool belt, branching out into more “serious” dramatic roles feels like just another craft to hone.
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We’ve seen countless examples of funny “non-comedians,” and it’s a pleasant surprise. Our initial cringe ended with a legitimate laugh, good on ‘em. Sadly, when anyone at the top of their profession in acting, sports, music, and (in a couple cases) pro wrestling wants to test the comedic waters, they’re just gonna have to find out the hard way like anyone else. And these ones found out. The hard way. The years of training in their chosen profession couldn’t help them, and if they were already famous, their cronies who fake-laughed at their jokes for a spot on the private jet were not doing them any favors. Here are 13 non-comedians who laid it all on the line for laughs, and totally whiffed.
He can box, he can hawk a grill, but it was no surprise that he couldn’t carry a sitcom.

Who in their right mind would think of Bryant Gumbel as an awards show host?!

Christopher Hitchens cockily tried a one-hour set.

Lucas Cruikshank

Looks like his experience in comedy movies couldn’t help his live act.

Dolph Ziggler

Dick Butkus

Ugh, I can’t get this TV to turn off!

That image of the Hulkster in a tutu is with us forever.

Adrien Brody

John Mayer’s ego blamed bombing on his sex appeal.

Michael Phelps

A comedy crowd will give famous people a chance, but at some point they’ll wanna laugh.