14 Surprisingly Earnest, Insightful Excerpts from Novels Written by Comedians

We mostly know them for their stand up or their silly characters, but mediums like podcasts and novels allow them to speak their minds without the pressure of that laugh-a-minute pace. Comedians, whether they’ve had Ivy league educations or dropped out of high school, are usually the smartest, most aware people in the room. It usually comes out in silly ways, but we know there’s a message hidden in there somewhere. Since dozens of the world’s best comedians have novels out there in the cosmos, we wanted to find the rare moments where the message wasn’t hidden behind the punchline.
They dropped gems, and we were eager to pick ‘em up. We liked their work enough to delve a little deeper into their lives. They hooked us. And hey, novels are long. We get a little autobiographical backstory, and yes we of course get some laughs (they can’t help it), but we were more than grateful for the takeaways. If you want joke after joke, buy a joke book. If you want surprisingly earnest and insightful moments from novels written by comedians, we rounded up 14 of them right here.
It seems like Tina Fey has had some bad bosses.

Judd opens up about his fears.

A little perspective on some people’s not-so ideal situations.

You know you’re getting gems when the book’s full title is, Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, & Advice for Living Your Best Life.

See! You can find inspiration in a book about bedwetting.

We don’t need more jokes about “the road” or comedy itself.

Why not hyperfocus on the people and places that energize you?

It’s never enough for these toxic assholes, is it?

A very rare moment where Norm got real.

Every move you make as a parent isn’t the be-all and end-all.

Some things can just be for you.

There’s humor in self deprecation, but it can’t be the only outlet.

Go on, get “blackout” in the club. I’ve got work to do!

Colin Jost