13 TV Shows That Were Canceled After One Episode

In the immortal words of several members of the Bluth family, “I’ve made a huge mistake.” That’s what we imagine these TV networks said directly after watching the first episode of these shows. From the initial pitch to possibly several meetings about demographics, budgets, and overall tone, they must’ve thought these would-be duds were going to be massive hits. Truth be told, there was one example of a green light without even seeing the pilot, so maybe there were a lot less meetings than we thought.
In the network equivalent to a one-night stand, some of these shows didn’t even wait until the next morning to grab their coat, claim they had an early morning at the office, and rush for the door. Heck, one of these shows pulled out halfway through the act. Okay, maybe that analogy was a bit much. And maybe that example doesn’t even count, since this list isn’t “Shows That Were Canceled Halfway Through Their First Episode.” That would be a very short list, since it's the only example we’ve ever stumbled upon. For that and 12 other one-and-dones, here are 13 tv shows that were canceled after one episode.
Hmm… So everything the Obournes touched in the 2000s didn’t turn to gold.

A failed attempt at nepotism.

2000s reality shows had a pretty loose definition of “stars.”

Thanks, Obama!

Let’s not.

Channel 4

Columbia Pictures Television
Remember how the Nazis and Jews just “didn’t get along”?

Hollywood Films
Rob Ford

Emily’s Reasons Why Not

Sony Pictures Television
This sexually suggestive title was actually about an adopted woman finding her real father.

Ohhh, “unleashed.” We get it now!

Animal Planet
We get it Wahlberg, you’re from Boston. Good for you.

44 Blue Productions
Technically this show shouldn’t be on this list, since it was canceled after half of an episode.

Nine Network,
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