11 Funny Characters Who Were Absolute Hell to Portray

A big part of enjoying a comedy is seeing that the people on screen are having a blast. Especially a big ol’ ensemble like Anchorman or Bridesmaids. It really helps us delve into the world they’ve created. Like, hmm… Maybe they are all great friends who joke around and shit in the street. Ever since gag reels, behind-the-scenes footage, and even “Making Of” documentaries started peeling the curtain back, we’ve wanted to know more and more about the process. And sadly, sometimes we should just put some mustard on the sausage instead of peeking our naive little heads into the factory.
Entertainment news loves spilling the beans on nightmare shoots. Which actors hated each other, or which production was a toxic nightmare for all involved. Not gonna lie, it’s pretty intriguing stuff. We’re just saying, in this realm, maybe comedies should be sacred. Maybe knowing that a comedian was actually having the worst possible time on set kind of taints it. They really fooled us, ‘cus their performance never once alluded to the hellfest. So, our apologies if you’ll never look at these comedies the same way again, but these 12 comedic characters were actually an utter nightmare to portray.
Bill Murray thinks Groundhog Day bites!

“It was just a really awful, unpleasant experience.”

Rowan Atkinson was the only person on the planet who got sick of Mr. Bean.

From waterboarding to green make-up, the CIA can train you to endure it all.

Fat Bastard hit a little too close to home for Mike Myers.

Michael Richards was a tyrant behind the scenes.

Method Acting

Four Christmases with anyone could be rough.

We’re sure he had a much better time as Jed Clampett.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

No amount of spinach could help Robin Williams.