13 Enduring Questions from TV and Movies That Still Haven't Been Answered

Some answers just aren’t meant to be known. And we just have to be okay with it. Aw, screw that! Come on, just tell us! Please. Look, after investing time into these characters’ lives, you owe us! If The Sopranos creator David Chase could finally admit that his ambiguous blackout ending was in fact Tony catching a bullet with the back of his head, then all you other tv shows and movies need to follow suit. We’ve waited long enough, and at this point, we’ll probably accept any answer you drop under the table.
Dramatic Irony is when the audience knows more than the characters, and that’s just comforting. We get to feel superior and a comfortable sense of control for a few fleeting moments in our normally chaotic lives. So why won’t these movies and TV shows grant us that comfort?! For now, all we can do is (yet again) ask these 13 enduring questions from TV and movies, and hope we one day get some answers.
We want to know more about the X-man of the group.

This “documentary” couldn’t snag audio of one of the show’s most heartfelt moments?!

Gilmore Girls

We’ll be asking the questions today, Forky.

It’s hard to imagine that things ended well for Caitlin.

Just give us a one-off finale where he finishes the list!

Aww, you can’t leave us hangin’ Bender!

Follow that ship!

We really hope those kids turned out alright!

Judy was sent to her room then never came back down.

Come on, Alf writers! E.T got to go home!

Youtube / The 7 Most Soul-Crushing Series Finales in TV History
Director Mary Harron called the ambiguous ending a mistake.

Yes, we want to know how you got those scars.