11 Celebrities Who Made Surprising Stuff Under a Pen Name
From what we gathered, it seems like celebrity pseudonyms are used for one of three reasons. The first being a shady, secretive burn that could land someone in court if the true writer is exposed. The second was to see if their work could be successful without the attachment of their already popular name. This is pretty commendable. It begs the question, “Do you like this because it happens to be a good song, or do all you bandwagoners just like it because I’m famous?” And thirdly, some artists are just bursting with ideas, and those ideas don’t all fit into their “brand.”
Makes total sense. It’d be weird if J.K Rowling all of a sudden dropped an ex-military mystery novel. We’d all be reading along, wondering where the brooms and nerds with lightning bolt scars are. While we’re at it, a Kenny Rogers-esque love song by Prince would also be pretty weird. But who are we to judge? Express love any way you want, while using any name (or symbol) you want! We’re all about the weird, so we’re more than thrilled that we stumbled upon these 11 weird projects secretly written by celebrities.