13 Old-School Vacations, Hobbies and Pastimes That Would Be Illegal Today

Ah, the days of yore. When people would engage in activities that would make modern-day safety advocates shudder. From bear-baiting to fox tossing, from sheep fighting to dwarf-tossing, we have come a long way in terms of safety regulations and cultural norms... thankfully. We look back on these activities with a mix of nostalgia and horror, remembering the thrill of the risk (well, sometimes) but also definitely, 100% understanding why they are no longer acceptable.
This list is a compilation of some of the most outrageous activities that have been outlawed over the years. From the Statue of Liberty's torch balcony to the Tidal Wave Pool at Action Park, these activities were once considered fun and daring but are now prohibited for safety reasons. We can only hope that the lessons learned from these activities will help us create a safer and more responsible society... and we do, indeed, live in hope.
"Atomic box lunches" no more.

Venice: Keeping Fast-Food Out, Traditions In.

Cruel sport: Goose Pulling.

Fox tossing: the 18th century's strangest sport.

Safely settling disputes, 1900-style.

Octopus wrestling: illegal, but not forgotten.

Smoke-free since '86.

No more torch balcony visits.

Explicit dancing leads to... broken dongs.

Sheep fighting: the new rebellion.

Dwarf Tossing: A '80s classic.


Action Park