11 Comedy Shows Ruined By Real-Life Bad Behavior

When we settle into a comedy, we want nothing but those warm, light hearted feelings. That’s what lets our guard down to then hit us with the laughs. And that doesn’t mean the comedy needs to be light-hearted. It can pack a serious punch, but we forgive them because we know it’s all in good fun. All in good fun, right guys?! Unfortunately, when we find out about despicable behavior behind the scenes, our guard goes right back up. It’s near-impossible to keep watching funny people once their dark secret comes to light.
There are real victims whose lives were forever impacted by these once lovable sitcom stars, so our enjoyment of these shows is last on the list of importance. There are plenty of amazing comedies that weren’t made by complete sociopathic monsters — barring any future allegations. Fingers crossed! These really just left bad tastes in our mouths. Especially knowing that they were committing these heinous acts on and off set while the shows were in full swing. That’s just icky. Here are 12 now-icky comedy shows forever tarnished by some real life bad behavior.
'Roseanne' may not have gotten 10 seasons if Twitter existed in the ’90s.

One of Charlie Sheen’s many headlines in 2011.

Warner Bros. Television
'Transparent' without the trans parent?

Amazon Studios
2017 was not a good year for Louis C.K.

It always feels extra greasy when it’s a cartoon.

48states/Wiki Commons
It’s hard to enjoy a comedy when you know people are unhappy making it.

They opted for a strange “workaround” instead of just killing him off.

Sony Pictures Television
A very dark stain on a once bright show.

20th Television
That whole “be kind” motto was all for show.

Warner Bros. Television
Aw, but Hyde was such a cool dude!

The darkest and most shocking of all the tarnished sitcoms.

Carsey-Werner Productions, NBC