13 Self-Owns from Self-Important Celebrities

Hearing our favorite comedians deprecate all over themselves is just the best. That sounded disgusting, but if you circle back, you’ll see the slight difference in what you may have thought was a much messier word. Anyways… We all know and love the self-deprecating funny folks who can pick themselves apart to a level just under sadness and pity. Because going too far can be a little unnerving for the rest of us. It seems a lot harder for some people, and they may not even realize that it’s a clear indicator of severe self-importance. Like, come on buddy, you’ve self defecated once or twice like the rest of us.
We’re human. We’re flawed, but laughing is fun, so get in on the action you pretentious prissies. Not that these folks are royal dignitaries or anything. They just have an air about them, and a penchant for taking themselves a little too seriously. Finding a rare moment where they came down from on high to poke fun at themselves was a breath of fresh air. Maybe they do see their flaws but just save face for the cameras. Well, we caught them! We caught these 13 incredibly rare self-owns from self-important celebrities.
Nicolas Cage gets in the cage.

Paris Hilton’s House of Wax promo.

Hmm, Sean Penn does have a sense of humor.

Now that you mention it, why is Benedict Cumberbatch hot?

It’s weird that you think he’d be normal.

You hate me. You really, really hate me!

Christian Bale summons his inner Red Forman.

He seems so stuffy, but he’s actually a real softy.

The self deprecating politician.

I know y'all like wearin’ masks ‘round here in the big city.

He really should play the Joker. Who do we have to call?!

Good on her for playing along.

It turns out everyone has four more fingers on each hand.