12 Times Marvel Was Actually Pretty Funny

We’ve all thrown some eye-rolls at comedic relief in action movies. They took a stab at comedy, bless their action movie-writing hearts. An even tougher task is having the sexiest people on the planet deliver the jokes. There’s a few gorgeous men (yes, we’re comfortable) who can bring the funny. Ryan Reynolds, Paul Rudd, and John Hamm come to mind. And stay there. Hubba Hubba. Where were we? Yes, action writers dipping their toes in comedy. Most heartthrobs haven’t mastered comedic timing, and that’s okay.
The MCU loves to relieve some of their more serious scenes with a zinger. It shows us that they don’t take themselves too seriously, cus after all, it’s a string of movies with grown up people playing make believe in tights and capes. Most of the time, MCU jokes aren’t met with a belly laugh, or even a tepid “heh.” Luckily they only last a line or two before we get back to the smashy smashy. Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor: Ragnarok are standouts in the joke department, but we gave the others a once-over too. Here are 12 times the MCU was actually pretty funny.
She did warn you, Peter!

Not a friend friend. A work friend.

Who? What? Where? Why? And How?

To be fair, a giant parakeet would be hilarious.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Hey y’all. Look how cool I am!

31 Flavors, and none of them involve pretzels.

Gruff characters being gruff is gold.

Iron Man nailed Thor. So Thor hammered him.

A little extra arch on an r can totally look like an n.

An equally funny and precious moment from Hulk.

The white boy conveyor belt.