15 Bits Of Trivia That Liquified Our Brains Into A Frothing Slurry Of Facts And Figures

Hey girl, weren’t the 80s, like, totally awesome? Big hair, big shoulders and big money thanks to planet altering regulation rollbacks that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will being paying for for years to come! And if you want facts that are as factually fantastic as the fact that the 80s were awesome get ready for these doozies! For starters, did you know that Abraham Lincoln created the secret service the morning he was assassinated, only to find out too late it was to stop counterfeiting? Or that Netflix almost had the worst name ever - Qwikster - until they quickly changed it? And if you're a bad dancer, not only will you have no rhythm on the dance floor, but also difficulties forging human connections according to a recent study! From our fact filled minds here at 80s Shady Ladies HQ (aka Cracked.com), get ready to be schooled in the most awesomely tubular facts out there! So throw your shoulder pads on, spin around in your swivel chair and let’s get crackin' with some totally rad fun facts!

The Worst Name Changes in the History of Name Changes / Xataka
Um, what

British Bullshitting

Why We Think British People Are Smarter Than the Rest of Us Wankers / Love Panky

3 Problems That Just Disappeared (That Actually Didn’t) / Bloomberg
Too Little Too Late

Ironic Things 5 Famous People Were Doing the Very Morning of Their Assassination/ Newsweek
Ted Talk

Horse Homicide

Imaginative Innuendos

A Glossary of the Best Innuendo ‘New Girl’ Writers Created to Get Around the Network Censors / Digital Spy
Food Fantasies

Our Lack of Imagination Is Making Us Eat Like Bears / Well Eating
Pants Party

5 Parts of Everyday Life We Owe to the Energy Crisis / Click Americana
Williams Wario

Dancing Duds

Samberg Night Live

‘Now I Know How Much You Hate the Guests’: Andy Samberg Reflects on Guest Hosting ‘Kimmel,’ A Job He Despised And Will Never Do Again / CNN


15 Smatterings of Trivia That Juiced Our Brains This Week / Express