12 Creepy Sitcom Moments From Actors Who Turned Out To Be Monsters

Were they trying to get caught?! You have to think, if an actor had some skeletons in the closet, why would they allow any inkling of proof to be shown in the slightest? Especially on camera! Don’t they know these moments potentially live on forever? Are these just weird coincidences of unknowing writers passing scripts to now-nervous actors? Or did the actors clearly have some shady stuff on their minds, and happen to have a say in the material? Either way, they’re made all the grimier now that we know what we know.
From what we can tell, there had to be some cockiness involved. Like those dastardly serial killers who leave clues for detectives, thinking there’s no way these morons will ever find out. But sometimes, since the actors brought some of their unsavory personality traits to their characters, those traits later revealed themselves in pretty shocking ways. So, these scenes may have felt pretty harmless at the time — actually, some of them are just outright problematic — but looking back, they’re now some of the creepiest on-camera moments from actors who turned out to be monsters.
When what kicks in, Bill?

Brett Ratner could not have been more obvious.

Kevin Spacey couldn’t say goodbye to Frank Underwood.

Threats involving Chris Rock, huh Will?

Was Jeffrey Tambor trying to get caught?

Way to ruin Elmo’s voice for everyone!

Jeffrey Jones


Alfred Hitchcock

Harvey Weinsten

Why is that young girl so mad at you, honey?

What was he thinking during filming?!