12 Inane and Petty Things Done to Appease Rich Assholes

We’ve all heard about insane backstage requests from rock stars. The legendary story of Van Halen requesting the brown M&Ms be removed from their dressing room was apparently put in there to see if venues were actually reading their rider. We don’t know if that explanation is them trying to save face, but either way, it’s like saying, “You better take our booze and coke order seriously!” And venues actually fulfilled it! If you think rock stars request some ridiculous things, imagine what spoiled billionaires can conjure up. But we get it, dressing yourself and chewing your own food is for the filthy peasants.
We’d like to imagine that money wouldn’t change us, but it’s hard to tell if we’d be the types to put our underlings through the ringer. Maybe we’d stay grounded, or maybe our humble, down-to-Earth demeanor would fall victim to endless possibilities. If it happens to be the latter, we can use this list as inspiration. Here were 12 inane and petty things done to appease rich assholes.
Buttons can be tricky.

When a picture just won’t do.

Imagine what they’d do for their anniversary.

Get Rowling on the horn.

The Royals

Selena Gomez

We could all use a fresh start.

Hopefully this wasn’t a Cruella de Vil thing.

Rich people can be such babies. Literally.

Extravagant Home Movies

Black Tomato
I wanted 40 cakes, Daddy!

What do black cats, ladders, and 747s have in common?