13 Bizarre Bits Of Trivia That Slaked Our Ceaseless Thirst For Knowledge For One Brief, Blessed Moment

So, Toblerone is getting rid of the Matterhorn mountain logo on their packaging due to Swiss laws, and replacing it with a generic mountain shape. They'll also be taking out the words "Swiss chocolate" so they can make more of the chocolate bars, some of which will still be made in Bern, Switzerland. Rie Takahashi, an anime voice actress, suggested to her fans that they should take a shower before coming to her concert so that they don't make other people uncomfortable with their body odor. François Prost, a French photographer, recently drove around the US, taking pictures of the outsides of 150 strip clubs. His project, "Gentleman's Club," explores how people's attitudes towards sex have changed, and will be displayed in Tokyo in March.
These stories may seem disparate, but they all have a common thread: they show how totally weird the world is. These stories remind us of the power of the eldritch gods to effect change to our puny reality.
Car theft paradise.

Monkeys in chains.

Nintendo Wii U: abandoned.

Pablo Escobar

Sexy sightseeing tour?

Hygiene PSA.

Swiss-less Swiss chocolate.

Beer Wars

DeSantis: Fox-endorsed divisiveness.

Drone saves day.

Wrong body, extremely wrong goodbye.

Drunk drivers, wildin' out.

Scientific cocaine.