13 Popular Characters Who Went into the Pilot a Little Undercooked

Nice! These shows didn’t pull a Danny Tanner and replace these actors after the pilot. The characters had something to work with, but they just needed some serious tweaks. After all, great shows with serious longevity are all about the characters. If we love them, we’ll come back week after week to delve deeper into their lives. So, whether it was directly after the pilot, or within the first few episodes, these now-beloved characters got a serious course-correction.
Luckily for the actors, their characters didn’t need to die, and they kept their jobs for years to come. They lived to act another day, and (in some cases) they got to work with the writers and producers to help round out their characters. It was a tad harder to see drastic changes when we had to wait an entire week for the next episode. Now, when we want to give an entire series another once over, seeing the pilot and the second episode back-to-back can sometimes be pretty jarring. Honestly, sometimes the entire first season feels like a world of its own. Today, we’ll just focus on the characters. Specifically, these 13 popular characters who went into the pilot a little undercooked. Thankfully, they got a few more minutes in the oven.
Anybody remember Conrad Kessler?

Spock lost the smile and the limp.

Sheldon Cooper: The “ass man.”

Flanders was indeed Flanderized.

The remake quickly realized how different American and UK audiences were.

Family Guy recognized that Stewie needed more than one note.

Where did the accent go?

Thankfully, they liked Chris Pratt enough to develop Andy.

Rachel Bilson was nothing like her superficial character.

Happy Days didn’t need Fonzie-light.

Daphne had two disheveled episodes.

Kelly Kapoor