13 Universally Panned Comedies That Raked In A Ton Of Cash
There are some classic comedies that we end up re-watching once every few years. Then there are a slew of comedies we look back on like, “Oh yeah, that thing.” They’re just these middle of the road, take it or leave it movies with zero memorability — except maybe for a couple dumbass, head-scratcher moments. Here’s the thing… They may have been pretty forgetful to us, but to producers and studio executives, they were creme de la creme cash cows!
Movies like this just prove the age old adage that quality doesn’t necessarily equate to success. And what is “success” really? In these cases, the success lined a lot of big wig pockets, but were they successful to the people who actually worked to make them as good as possible? Probably not. We don’t think anyone sets out to make a bad movie. What really stinks is that they’ll stand as examples to current and future big wigs that mediocrity sells. Well, we looked back on these “successful” comedies, and we’re still wondering how they managed to rake in the big bucks.