13 Run-of-the-Mill Comedies That Had One Extra Spicy Take

It ain’t no thang when already spicy comedies add more spice. If anything, that’s why we’re watching them in the first place. But when a normally pretty tame, fun-loving sitcom has an unapologetically hot take, it’s pretty glaring. When executed properly, it can have a pretty lasting effect. We’re laughing along with their zany antics, then boom… Tearful gun violence speech! It can also be a pretty off-putting “wait, what?” moment that makes us think, “Is this the character we really need to be hearing this from?”
Don’t get us wrong, we love when a comedy can amp up the raunch or even tackle issues like religion, depression, or racial profiling… We just didn’t expect all that from Home Improvement or Family Matters. Good on ‘em. They took a chance on possibly alienating people or splitting their audience, and we applaud the risk. Whether they pulled it off or not, here are 13 otherwise tame comedies that had one extra spicy take.
As silly as Brooklyn Nine-Nine is, cops wind up dealing with pretty serious stuff.

They love each other?! Prove it!

Carl Winslow confronts a fellow cop.

Lorne was like, “Okay, Louis, just go for it.”

David needs wine to explain his sexuality.

It’s always the ones you least suspect.

Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor

Even for a zany, almost cartoonish show, it’s still a cop show in America.

You could see how this could alienate the show’s heartland church-going viewers.

The Barone boys are grateful for their dad.

A silly New Girl character felt the need to say something.

The time that Will got shot.

Parents groups were up in arms after Modern Family cusses.