15 Times Big Companies You Know Snuggled Up To Evil Regimes

It's no secret that war and sanctions can be a huge challenge for businesses. But for some of the world's biggest companies, it seems that the old adage "business as usual" still holds true. Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the subsequent sanctions imposed by the West, these companies have found ways to keep doing business in the country -- not unlike companies active in Germany in the '30s.
From Volkswagen, who started in Nazi Germany to make a cheap car for Germans, to Hugo Boss, who supplied uniforms to the SA, SS, Hitler Youth, Motor Corps, and other Nazi groups, to IBM, who had their German branch bid for a Nazi census, to Adidas, who joined the Nazi party in 1933, to DuPont, who helped Nazi Germany start the war, to Ford, who was linked to Auschwitz, to Kodak, who had subsidiaries trading with Nazi Germany even after the US joined the war, this is all ... pretty unsavory stuff.
The 'dirty dozen' still thriving in Russia despite Putin's invasion and sanctions.

Lacoste: Keeping it chic, even in a crisis, or something.

Armani's back in Russia.

DP Eurasia: Keeping Russia cheesy.

Sanctions not so effective after all?

General Motors and Nazi Germany


Maybe they were just trying to live up to their founder's principles.



A roadmap to persecution: IBM in 1933.

Hugo Boss: Dressing Nazis since 1931.

VW: From Nazi Germany to the world, one breath at a time.
