15 Nuggets of Trivia About Spidey Strength, Disney World Largeness, and Crab Tastebuds

We all know smarts and book learning are for nerds and orthodontists- but what does one do when they begin craving the knowledge of all the world’s many wonders? They turn to Cracked.com of course!
Here at Cracked, our facts are certified Nerd and Orthodontist free. Don’t come crawling to us to learn about M equals M C squared or the proper placement of an adult incisor. No, come to us to learn about things like how you can drive to space in under an hour if you had a car that doesn’t exist. Or, come to us to learn that the pyramids of Giza and Walt Disney World are both very large and big.
Those are the things you can’t learn in books. Well, maybe you could but you’d have to be a book learning nerd orthodontist to know for sure and I think we have made our point very clear on that matter! Anyway, shut up and read these 15 fun facts:
Heavy History

The Wright Batters


Coke Zero Gravity

Midsummer Night's Dreamt

Beetle Mania

Puny Pope

Silky Strong

Black and White Thinking

Star Car

Disney World

Hear Me Roar

Aren’t You Glad I Didn’t Say Tomato

Pinchers 4 Pudding

Seeing Red